clubhouse voice

Clubhouse is updated with voice conversations and new improvements

  • Clubhouse updates its online communication system with its voice “Chats” and a friendship-focused experience.
  • Other updates make the platform more intuitive and organized, from simplified privacy to improved design.
  • Tips on how to make the most of the new Clubhouse to connect with your friends and build authentic relationships.

Clubhouse, the iconic audio social media platform, has taken a bold turn to remain relevant in this new digital age. Its latest update of Clubhouse promises to improve the way we communicate and connect with others online by incorporating voice into “Chats.”

Similar to group chats in messaging applications, voice “Chats” offer a unique dynamic by allowing users to communicate exclusively through voice.

This feature promotes authenticity and discovery by removing the barriers imposed by text messages.

Fostering two-way friendship

Clubhouse has also taken a two-way friendship approach to maintain what has always made the platform special: the ability to connect with like-minded people and build new bonds.

This dynamic promises to further enrich the user experience, creating authentic and meaningful connections. The platform has become a place where friendships can flourish through voice and meaningful conversations.

The “Houses” as a community meeting point

The platform is committed to collaborating with you if you want to create a House to maintain connection with your followers.

Additionally, the feed algorithms have been adjusted to highlight your friends and the Houses you belong to, ensuring you always see relevant content immediately.

Other small changes

Users can now use their voice in a variety of situations, from replacing text messages at Home to sending voice messages instead of direct text messages, fostering greater social interaction and a richer experience.

In terms of privacy, it has introduced two types of rooms, “Open Days” and “Closed Houses”, providing clear options for users. “Open Houses” allow anyone to join the conversation without prior permission, while “Closed Houses” require an invitation or approval to join.

Finally, your Houses are now located on your profile instead of in a separate tab, making it easier to find new posts and events. And events are displayed in your activity feed, providing a more fluid and organized experience.

Don’t forget to review Clubhouse’s new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, which have been updated to provide greater clarity and transparency on the latest features and changes to the platform.

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