US election misinformation by X’s AI chatbot Grok

us election misinformation grok AI

The United States is in the midst of a highly competitive presidential election. In this regard, misinformation spreads easily due to access to artificial intelligence. Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon has reported on an incident that shows this problem: his office discovered election misinformation coming from X’s Grok chatbot. Grok AI chatbot disinforms about … Read more US election misinformation by X’s AI chatbot Grok

NBA and WNBA secure streaming until 2036 with ESPN, NBC, Peacock and Amazon

nba streaming

The NBA and WNBA have secured streaming rights for their games for the next eleven years, from 2025 to 2036, through major deals. Disney-owned ESPN will remain the primary broadcast channel for both leagues, strengthening its role in professional basketball coverage. For the NBA, these deals cover the 2025-2026 season through the 2035-2036 season, and … Read more NBA and WNBA secure streaming until 2036 with ESPN, NBC, Peacock and Amazon

How to use AMD’s Frame Latency Meter (FLM) to measure latency in video games

measure latency games

AMD has just launched Frame Latency Meter (FLM), a free and open source tool for Windows, which allows you to measure the response time (latency) in video games based on mouse movements. FLM measures how much time passes from moving the mouse until the change is reflected on the screen, providing detailed information about system … Read more How to use AMD’s Frame Latency Meter (FLM) to measure latency in video games

Change between Outlook and Gmail accounts in a second

Microsoft Outlook

A lot of the apps and platforms we use in daily work activities in the cloud. It means that you can access most of them with Outlook and Gmail accounts and change between them very easily. There are lots of advantages when you work directly online and Microsoft and Google offer numerous platforms to complete … Read more Change between Outlook and Gmail accounts in a second

Do not make this mistake when protecting your bank account

How to use a bank account online safely

Protecting any Internet service account is fundamental. You must always use strong passwords, activate the two steps authentication method and make sure your device is protected. However, we sometimes make a mistake and we can put our bank account in danger or a social network service.  This article is about a common mistake when you … Read more Do not make this mistake when protecting your bank account

False WhatsApp groups and how to avoid them

Tips when WhatsApp doesn't work

It’s possible that someone has put your number in a false WhatsApp group. These groups tend to be fraudulent and it’s very common to find yourself into some odd-looking group where you didn’t ask to be.  You may even find the content strange to your likings or interests. Maybe you are in a crypto based … Read more False WhatsApp groups and how to avoid them

Cloud services for working and studying you may not know

Different cloud services platforms for working and studying

You can use cloud services all around the Internet for all sorts of activities related to studying and working.  There are different actions that you can do, from security backups to free space and store important files for everyday access. In this article we explore the academic and working fields and the best cloud services … Read more Cloud services for working and studying you may not know

Smartwatch compatibility issues with iPhone

The iPhone compatibility with Smartwatch models

In case you are buying a Smartwatch, make sure your iPhone is compatible. This warning is important because Apple is famous for making its devices hard to synch with third-party devices. If you want to buy a Smartwatch look for the compatibility list before making your purchase. Sometimes the iPhone is not able to synch … Read more Smartwatch compatibility issues with iPhone

Elon Musk intends to move the SpaceX and X headquarters from California to Texas

x spacex texas

Elon Musk has decided to commit more to Texas by promising to move SpaceX’s headquarters from Hawthorne, California, to this state. He also announced that the headquarters of his social network, X, will move from San Francisco to Austin, Texas, where the headquarters of another of his companies, Tesla, are already located. SpaceX will move … Read more Elon Musk intends to move the SpaceX and X headquarters from California to Texas

TikTok requires a massive update

What would a massive TikTok update need

The renowned social network TikTok is very popular nowadays, but it also has lots of competition. In order to gain more users they launched TikTok Lite but it’s not enough. It’s a polemic app considered addictive for making users pay the for platform. However there’s room for improvement, TikTok is requiring a massive update. If … Read more TikTok requires a massive update

Apps you have to endure if you buy a new iPhone

How to hide default apps in your new iPhone with iOS 18

When you turn on a new iPhone you will find a group of default apps in your Home Screen. These are native apps that Apple develops and come integrated to iOS by default. You can’t erase or uninstall them, and even though some of them may be useful, most are pretty useless. The worst thing … Read more Apps you have to endure if you buy a new iPhone

The effects of Trump’s assassination attempt on the crypto world

Trump's assasination attempt effects

The former president of the United States was injured at a rally in Pennsylvania. The effects of Trump’s assassination attempt raised his chance of retaking the White House and there are even crypto memes that have escalated in price after the incident. But the politics and the Internet are also affected by Trump’s injury. When … Read more The effects of Trump’s assassination attempt on the crypto world