How to use AMD’s Frame Latency Meter (FLM) to measure latency in video games

measure latency games

AMD has just launched Frame Latency Meter (FLM), a free and open source tool for Windows, which allows you to measure the response time (latency) in video games based on mouse movements. FLM measures how much time passes from moving the mouse until the change is reflected on the screen, providing detailed information about system … Read more How to use AMD’s Frame Latency Meter (FLM) to measure latency in video games

A new menace for your mobile phone if you don’t update it

Ratel-Rat attack on mobile phone

There’s a new menace for your Android mobile phone if you don’t update it. It’s a malware that may block your device and compromise your privacy and phone security. There are some recommendations to avoid issues and defend your Android phone. The new menace is called Ratel RAT and your mobile phone may be victim … Read more A new menace for your mobile phone if you don’t update it

Apps you have to endure if you buy a new iPhone

How to hide default apps in your new iPhone with iOS 18

When you turn on a new iPhone you will find a group of default apps in your Home Screen. These are native apps that Apple develops and come integrated to iOS by default. You can’t erase or uninstall them, and even though some of them may be useful, most are pretty useless. The worst thing … Read more Apps you have to endure if you buy a new iPhone

Cloud storage for your photos, Google Photos and other alternatives

The best Google Photos alternatives

Google Photos is not that expensive. The 100 GB plan costs 19,99 euros a year. If you can store your mobile photos safely, it’s a great tool. However there are also other services you pay for, like Netflix, Amazon Prime and any other subscription may create a high bill. If you want to search free … Read more Cloud storage for your photos, Google Photos and other alternatives

New Windows 11 update brings improvements for a popular app

The new updates for Photos in Windows 11

After an intense Windows 11 update campaign launched massively in June with little interest for the users, Microsoft announced a new interface for the Photos app. The developers have been working to improve the app and answer the demands of the user community. Over the years, the Photos app in Windows has been incorporating new … Read more New Windows 11 update brings improvements for a popular app

Erroneous bank charges in Hungary apparently caused by Apple Pay

Erroneous bank charges Hungary

In recent days, many people in Hungary have reported erroneous charges to their bank accounts, affecting most of the country’s banks. Those affected have seen small, repetitive transfers to their accounts, causing concern and confusion. One of the cases is that of a user who had almost $1,500 USD withdrawn in 74 consecutive quick transactions. … Read more Erroneous bank charges in Hungary apparently caused by Apple Pay

The truth: How apps sell your driving data to insurers

apps sell driving data

An alarming issue is how connected vehicle and mobile app companies collect and sell our driving data to insurers. This affects millions of drivers, and the vast majority are unaware that they are being monitored and that this information is sold to insurance companies to set personalized rates. From vehicles to mobile applications A few … Read more The truth: How apps sell your driving data to insurers

Edit Word documents faster with the replace formatting function

Easily change format options

When creating a document in Word you need to correctly order the content to improve the impact. Word allows the use of different formats for your text and there’s even a tool to do this. The process can be tiresome so there’s a formatting function where you can replace certain aspects and make changes in … Read more Edit Word documents faster with the replace formatting function

I can’t download a WhatsApp video

WhatsApp video download issues

WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app nowadays. Meta (Facebook) keeps updating the app to improve the communication methods and there are new features regularly. However, there are times when the app fails. For example, when you try to download a WhatsApp video and the process abruptly closes. Even though WhatsApp is one of the … Read more I can’t download a WhatsApp video

Remove app permissions to avoid spying issues

iPhone app permissions settings

There are some apps that spy and steal your personal data and you can only stop the by removing app permissions. If you notice that an app is working in strange ways, the first thing you should do is removing the app permissions to stop sharing your data. It’s important to know how app permissions … Read more Remove app permissions to avoid spying issues

What is the 7 days Gmail recovery feature

Gmail 7 days recovery feature

The new Gmail recovery feature reduces the risk of falling to scams and identity theft. Hackers are polishing their techniques every day, and online service providers have to deal with different threat strategies. Gmail 7 days recovery feature is one of the new solutions from Google to avoid data stealing. Phishing is the treacherous method … Read more What is the 7 days Gmail recovery feature

Gmail tabs finally make sense with this Chrome extension

The Google Chrome add on Gmail tabs working

If you have been using Gmail for a while, you’re surely used to free space, remove spam and deal with the 15 GB free storage limit. It’s also very normal to have two or three Gmail accounts in order to get more free space. In this article we explore a Chrome extension to easily set … Read more Gmail tabs finally make sense with this Chrome extension