US election misinformation by X’s AI chatbot Grok

us election misinformation grok AI

The United States is in the midst of a highly competitive presidential election. In this regard, misinformation spreads easily due to access to artificial intelligence. Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon has reported on an incident that shows this problem: his office discovered election misinformation coming from X’s Grok chatbot. Grok AI chatbot disinforms about … Read more US election misinformation by X’s AI chatbot Grok

Report accuses CIA of cyberattacks against China and other countries

cia cyberattacks china

According to TheRegister, a new Chinese report released by the China National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center and local cybersecurity firm 360 Total Security, called “The Matrix,” accuses the CIA of using cyberattacks against China and others. countries. The report, titled Empire of Hacking: The US Central Intelligence Agency – Part I, states that researchers … Read more Report accuses CIA of cyberattacks against China and other countries