Review of best and worst features of Pixel 7 camera

The best and the worst of Google Pixel 7 camera

Google Pixel 7 is one of the newest smartphones from Mountain View company. The facial block has improved in the Pixel 7. Its camera is one of the best on the market, and we compare the best and the words features it has. The idea is to review one of the smartphones in the 400-600 dollars range with great camera quality.

Even though it’s a great camera, it also has some flaws. If you want to buy a Google Pixel 7 you should take into account every aspect of the device before deciding. Here you will find a detailed revision of positive aspects and design flaws of the Google Pixel 7 camera.

The best and worst features of Google Pixel 7 camera

Performance quality

The performance of the camera is great. It can take photos and videos with great skin color reproduction and natural contrast. The short range zoom shows some difficulties regarding detail and image noise.

When comparing the main parts of images and videos, Google Pixel 7 camera has great score in each. Color, contrast, automatic focus, stabilization and exposition are really high quality for this device. However, the zoom can be improved heavily. The preview and Bokeh effect are regular. Wide dynamic range and precise exposition are two good features in the Google Pixel 7 camera to keep counting the best and worst.

The zoom problem in Google Pixel 7 camera

The great flaw of the Pixel 7 camera is the zoom. We can see noise image in the shadows during high contrast and poor light photos. This is a problem we can see in videos as well. When filming video inside there are also issues with illumination and color tone. Another aspect that can be listed in the worst column is the lack of telephoto like the Pixel 7 Pro has. This generates a less definite image when using telezoom.

The camera is still a good option. But most of the issues were fixed in the Google Pixel 7 Pro version of the mobile phone.

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