Dark mode is one the most popular features on Smartphones today. It’s a healthy setting to protect your eyesight when you use the phone at night. However, sometimes dark mode fails and it can bring some compatibility issues. For example, there are apps that will suddenly shut off and show a white screen.
Dark mode has two main goals. First it’s designed to protect the user eyesight from visual fatigue. Second it helps to save battery as it reduces the bright levels on screen. This is a great feature that makes use of AMOLED screen technology. If your Dark mode fails and you want to fix it, read this article.
Dark mode fails and how to fix it
The reasons behind why Dark mode fails are numerous. In this article you will find the most common ones and how to fix them in order to make the most out of the system feature. When Dark mode fails it can affect your phone and several apps indistinctly.
Automatic activation set
If you don’t set the Dark mode activation correctly, it may give you problems. If Dark mode starts and turns off at certain hours, you have it set for a specific hour schedule. In order to fix this you must go to:
- Screen settings – Dark mode or Dark theme.
- Check the options available and select Schedule.
- Disable the time restrictions to have Dark mode active all the time.
App incompatibility
Dark mode also fails if the app you are using is not compatible. Certain apps only show a light mode and you won’t be able to run Dark mode properly. Another option is that the app requires a manual setting for Dark mode activation. Check the in app settings and look for the manual Dark mode before taking any other decision.
Force Dark mode on your Smartphone
The most radical solution when Dark mode doesn’t work is forcing it to any app. This method solves any problem related to settings. But it won’t work if there’s a compatibility issue with your app. In order to force the Dark mode activation you must follow these steps:
- Open Settings app and go to About the phone.
- Press repeatedly on Compilation number to activate Developer’s settings.
- In the new menu, look for the Force Dark mode option.
- Activate it to have Dark mode always enabled.
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