New features of Android 13 for TV

Android 13 for TV main features

Android 13 for TV is the operative system for smart TVs that Google introduced recently. It includes some of the new aspects Android 13 took into smartphones but adapted to TV technology. The introduction of Android 13 to Google TV is slower, some devices are just entering Android 12.

Here we will enlist the Android 13 TV features and the updates it brings to smart TV devices. The idea is to know which improvements will arrive shortly to your Google TV device and then choose the better model for you.

New Android 13 for TV and its features

Android 13 for TV new functions

A new Android version comes with updates for the API. These allows the developers to know the possibilities of the new version when creating new apps for TV models.  Several aspects of the Android TV performance change with a new Android version.

Performance and quality

The new Android 13 allows developers to create high quality experiences thanks to these new features:

  • AudioManager API improvements to anticipate audio compatibility and selection of playback formats.
  • The user can change default resolution and update frequency in compatible devices connected through HDMI for a trustworthy playback.
  • The HDMI status changes appear on the life cycle of MediaSession. This allows dongles and other HDMI devices to pause the content and save energy whenever it detects the user has changed the input source.

Access and input controls.

The Android 13 also introduces more features to improve accessibility and adaptability. You can control the following aspects:

  • The new silent hardware switch is reflected on privacy system controls.
  • User controls to access microphone for Assistant’s remote control.
  • The InputDevice API admits different keyboard designs. Game developers can make reference to keys according to physical location in order to support physical keyboards.
  • A new API for audio descriptions created in Accessibility Manager lets an app to consult the preferences setting in the system. This helps developers to give more accurate audio descriptions according to users settings.

Android 13 is available in the ADT-3 developers device and Android TV emulator. The developers can try the new version in the Google TV interface to start adapting their apps. It is unknown when Android 13 will arrive to new TVs and Chromecast devices. The Android TV updates have their own rhythm and not all versions arrive to the TVs.

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