How to deactivate the Windows Defender

3 reasons to deactivate Windows Defender and 2 to keep it on

Windows Defender is the native antivirus that Microsoft includes in Windows 10 and Windows 11. It’s an antivirus with regular updates in order to detect malware and other software menaces. However there are several users that prefer other antivirus solutions instead of Windows Defender and try to deactivate it.

The Microsoft antivirus is not always the best option because it’s so deeply integrated to the system, that it can generate compatibility issues. If you want to deactivate Windows Defender here you will find 3 unquestionable motives to do it, and some other arguments to keep the antivirus on.

How does Windows Defender works

Install other antivirus and deactivate Windows Defender

If you want to use a third party antivirus, you will have to deactivate Windows Defender. If not, it can detect the new software as a virus. It’s not recommendable to complement Windows Defender with another antivirus software because both of them will try to analyze files consuming your resources. It will affect your computer performance highly.

Old software issues

The old software you have in your computer may be affected by Windows Defender. If you have a program with no recent updates Microsoft antivirus may detect it as a potencial menace. If you want to download an old software with no signature, Windows Defender will not allow you to. That’s another reason to deactivate the program.

Improve privacy

Another good reason to deactivate Windows Defender is your privacy protection. Any antivirus has permits and it can analyze or files and data. If you want to protect your privacy you shouldn’t give any permit to antivirus software, not only Windows Defender but any other antivirus solution.

Reasons to keep Windows Defender on

There are also positive aspects when using Windows Defender. It’s the native antivirus solution of Windows and that’s an advantage in terms of performance. This can be easily noted in older computers where less resources can make the experience sloppy.

The Windows firewall is another reason some users remark in order to keep Windows Defender. If you install third party apps the Windows firewall will pass the control aspects to the new antivirus. In older computers this can also harm your user experience.

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