Google Drive cloud platform service for uploading files

Considerations before uploading files on the cloud

When you are using the cloud for uploading files, it’s important to take into account the following aspects. Keep the security at maximum and use trustworthy services to keep your data secure. There’s always a possibility of data loss, but you can prevent it or at least reduce the problems by following certain measures.

The cloud alternatives are very numerous but not every service is equally secure. Take into consideration which of the platforms are the most popular, efficient and secure before uploading your files to the cloud. That way you can prevent any issue when a security breach appears.

Box cloud service for uploading files

Which aspects should you revise when uploading files to the cloud

The most popular cloud platforms for uploading files include OneDrive, Dropbox and Google Drive. However, there are several others and you can bump into. Some of the services may be free and others work on a subscription base. The most important aspects you should take into account include:


The cloud service you select must be trustworthy. Look for information on the Internet forums about the platform. Not all cloud services have the same cipher level. If you want to protect your data you should choose the most secure one. The community opinion is the best way to discover if the platform is secure.

Data protection

Before selecting a cloud service you need to know which cipher and security measures it includes for your files. You will be putting your data on the Internet and the platform must clearly explain how it can protect it from hackers. Besides the platform security, you can also cipher your files using 7-Zip, WinRAR and similar tools.

Storage capacity

Whenever you want to upload files on the cloud, you need to know the storage limits available. If you don’t have enough space you will be in trouble. Every platform uses a different amount and price to lure clients. You can even divide your data taking advantage of the free solutions of each platform.

Available time

Cloud storage service terms indicate how much time a file will remain in the server. Don’t make the mistake of uploading important files if the platform stores them just for a few days. Each service has its own times. When uploading files on the cloud, you should take into account that you are using a company server. They won’t store your data forever.

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