Gmail 7 days recovery feature

What is the 7 days Gmail recovery feature

The new Gmail recovery feature reduces the risk of falling to scams and identity theft. Hackers are polishing their techniques every day, and online service providers have to deal with different threat strategies. Gmail 7 days recovery feature is one of the new solutions from Google to avoid data stealing.

Phishing is the treacherous method through which a hacker scams the user to obtain confidential information. They use false emails and text messages pretending to be banks or public services companies. There are usually links and infected files that introduce malware into your computer or mobile phone to steal your data immediately.

Gmail recovery tools

Deepfakes and the 7 days Gmail recovery feature

Besides phishing, one of the newest threats to Internet users is the deepfake. The technique is even more precise when pretending to be a different person or institution. And there are several scams that combine phishing and deepfake features. For example, the XRP crypto  experience. The hackers write as representatives of Ripple Lab and they promise great revenues by investing in XRP. If you activate the 7 days Gmail recovery feature you can access your email account even after a week of being victim of a scam attack.

XRP and other deepfakes are only there to steal your money and personal information. And Gmail and Google accounts are the latest objective because of the great amount of information saved up there.

Once the hacker gets into your email account, all your passwords and log accounts can be at risk. In case you want to protect your content, don’t lose time and set the 7 days recovery in Gmail.

Activate the new feature

Through 7 days Gmail recovery you can recover the access to your account after a hacking. If a hacker changed your password or other security measures, you can still recover it.

According to Google the new system will work only if you set it up before the accident. The Mountainview company also recommends to activate 2 step authentication processes and using antivirus software.

Finally, don’t forget the golden rule for Internet security: never click on a link from unknown mails. Try protecting your account by using common sense with your daily mails and avoid headaches.

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