Launch of the Starliner manned flight on May 25: How to watch it live

starliner watch live

Update on 05/23/2024: Reportedly, NASA has once again delayed the manned launch of the Boeing Starliner capsule, which was initially scheduled for this weekend, without announcing a new date. Starliner is the alternative to SpaceX’s Dragon to transport astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS), but its development is having multiple problems and delays. After … Read more Launch of the Starliner manned flight on May 25: How to watch it live

The dry eye syndrome because of screen exposition

The dry eye syndrome because of screen exposition

Nowadays, lots of workers spend almost half a day watching a screen. There are also people that spend even more time in front of a computer, laptop, mobile phone or television screen.  As you take care of your posture, you should also protect your eyes from the dry eye syndrome that affects most of technology … Read more The dry eye syndrome because of screen exposition

Amazon Clinic is coming to every state in the US! Virtual and affordable medical care from the comfort of your home

amazon clinic

In November 2022, Amazon changed the landscape of healthcare with the launch of the Amazon Clinic, a platform designed to facilitate access to virtual medical services for more than 30 common health conditions. Now, exciting news! Amazon is bringing its innovative healthcare platform to all 50 US states and Washington DC, providing an accessible and … Read more Amazon Clinic is coming to every state in the US! Virtual and affordable medical care from the comfort of your home

The space future: the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution and interplanetary exploration

space future ai

In the near past, the cinematographic representation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in space filled us with concern and mistrust. However, we have moved beyond the fictional settings featured in movies like “2001: A Space Odyssey” and “Alien: The Eighth Passenger.” Now, AI offers countless advantages in both manned and unmanned missions, envisioning a very promising … Read more The space future: the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution and interplanetary exploration

Neuralink gets FDA green light for human testing of its brain-computer interface

neuralink fda human

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted approval to Neuralink, the company founded in 2016 by Elon Musk, to carry out human trials of its brain-computer interface (BCI) prototype called Link. This comes about a month after Elon Musk made a prediction about it. Objectives of Neuralink and operation of the BCIs Neuralink aims … Read more Neuralink gets FDA green light for human testing of its brain-computer interface

OneWeb begins to compete with SpaceX’s Starlink with its own Internet service from space

OneWeb Internet

OneWeb, a British telecommunications company, has successfully deployed another 36 satellites, bringing its constellation to 618 internet satellites. This will allow it to offer global broadband coverage once they are fully operational, which is expected later this year. OneWeb currently only offers very limited services in areas north of 50 degrees latitude. Once activated, OneWeb’s … Read more OneWeb begins to compete with SpaceX’s Starlink with its own Internet service from space