How to share your data Internet connection safely

How to detect someone connected to your data Internet connection

It’s very important to control your data Internet connection to make good use of your mobile device. However, there are times when hackers steal your mobile Internet connection and the apps start working slow. If you detect the intruder fast, you can secure your device and your Internet connection.

The most common situation when your data Internet connection is stolen happens when you create a shared network. For example, you are travelling by bus and want to share your data connection with the laptop. A hacker could interfere and take control over your Internet connection. In this article we show you different ways to control it.

Check your data Internet connection

Share your Internet connection from Android

Sharing Internet with an Android device is pretty simple. You just need to open he settings app, create a network and choose the name. Basically you turn your mobile device into a router. You can set a password and select the encryption type or simply let the network open. When you don’t secure the entry to your data Internet connection, hackers or other users can use it easily. In order to revise which devices are connected, you must follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Go into Shared connection and you will see which devices are connected.

The network can be empty if no one has entered it yet. In case a device is connected, you will see it immediately. If there’s  a strange device, then you can discover who is stealing your data. It’s a very easy process and you can avoid issues by securing your Internet connection.

Create a safe shared network

In order to create a safe shared network easily, you only need to select a good password. Forget about the typical 123456 combination. They are always generating issues in your daily life use. The usage of a good encryption type is also important. From WPA-2 onwards the password is well protected. Older encryption systems can be easily exploited by hackers and the passwords broken.

Beyond the essential advises, it’s also recommendable to check the connected devices and turn off the connected network when you finish. It’s also a good idea to save energy and avoid possible intruders. The data Internet connection protection is relatively easy. You just need to follow the steps to start sharing safely you data Internet connection.

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