Google Photo and Gmail servers

Google Photos may damage your Gmail account

Google offers a lot of services and platforms online and most of them can run on the mobile phone or in the computer. This can generate different performance issues. When you first create a Google account you have 15 GB of free space in the servers. But it is a shared space between all the services. That’s why Google Photos may damage your Gmail account storage space.

Google Drive also occupies a big amount of storage space and you can find yourself with no free space at all very quickly. It’s common for Gmail to stop working properly when you have little storage space available. Usually the main reason is Google Photos overload of images that interrupt Gmail work. You won’t be able to receive new mails either if the storage space is full.

Google Drive features

Keep using Gmail after spending 15 GB

In order to solve this problem there are different useful solutions. For example, you can start erasing older mails. If you have an old account you may be saving mails from several past years. You can erase them fast using filters to locate the older or useless content.

Use other cloud storage services to avoid Google Photos problems with Gmail

Google Drive is not the only cloud storage solution nowadays. You can take some content to other platforms such as OneDrive or Dropbox, or Terabox. There you can save some files and backups to free space on the Google servers.

Pay for a subscription account

Google offers more storage system through the subscription method. You can pay 5,75 euros per month for 30 GB or use 2 TB for 11,50 euros. Think about the price and the solutions you need before selecting a subscription method you like.

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