Android Auto also receives quarterly updates as the mobile version of the operating system. Google recently revealed all the new changes from the latest quarterly Android Auto update version 24Q4.
The Android Automotive is the integrated version of the operating system for cars. It complements with Google Built-in to incorporate several apps ready to use from the interface. Car manufacturers still have the option to update or not.
Android Auto update and how does it change
Mobile phones are already into Android 15, but Android Auto update system is different. Latest update package was based on Android 15 (24Q3) but Google announced changes for the 24Q4 version. Most of the changes are internal. Now there will be concurrent -multiuser support for cars which include screens on the front and back. They will be able to use independent apps.
The multimedia player will also receive an update for a smoother interface and better user experience. The latest update includes a new method to start Bluetooth synch. You can do it by pressing the talk button of your car. The complete list of changes includes:
User profile and memory usage reports
It creates memory profiles from Car Watchdog to register the use of memory from any event on the system.
Concurrent multiple users support
AAOS MVP support for concurrent multiusers on the car.
Multimedia player new design
Changes on the user interface of the multimedia player to improve quality and accessibility.
Time zone detection
Automatic time zone detection from your geographical location for data mobile and WiFi connection.
User Interface updates for location privacy
An update on the text chains related to driver assistance and ADAS features.
Privacy Android Auto update for AAOS setting microphone
The microphone configuration also changes for coherence with new privacy features of camera and location.
New Bluetooth synch method in Android Auto Update
You will be able to use the Android Auto version to activate Bluetooth synch directly by holding the talk button from your car.