When you want to save energy with your electronic devices you can choose between shut down or standby mode. Both options are available to increase energy consumption performance. If the devices are of everyday use you can make the most out of standby mode if you set it up correctly.
Do you prefer to shut down or activate standby mode? First you need to know the differences between both options. Shut down is very simple to understand. It shuts down completely your television, computer or any other device. On the other hand, standby mode puts the device to sleep. It doesn’t consume so much energy as when it’s turned on, but it’s not exactly shut down.
Energy consumption levels between shut down and standy mode
When you shut down a device, the energy consumption is 0 W whereas standby mode oscillates between 0,5 and 1 W. Independently of you using the device, it will always consume a certain amount of electricity. If you are looking for a energy saving alternative, you should shut down your devices to stop consuming electricity. The standby mode consumes very little, but you won’t be at 0.
When is the standby mode advisable?
There are certain cases when the standby mode is more useful. For example, if you are always turning on and off a device, it’s better to use standby mode because the more energy a device consumes is when turning on. It’s also advisable because the turning on process of a Smart TV or computer loads more resources and you end up using more electricity.
It’s also advisable in comfort terms. You save time and you won’t need to set up any configuration. It’s a good way to optimize resources even if you consume a little more electricity in comparison with the shut down alternative.
If you are asking yourself if shut down or standby is more useful for your electronic devices, most of the time you save energy by shutting them down completely. But there are cases when you can save energy on your daily use with the standby option.